Fur Kids Foundation hosts Pet-A-Palooza to help families keep their pets healthy
August 31, 2015—Gillette, WY--On September 12, Fur Kids Foundation hosts Pet-A-Palooza at CAM-PLEX Park, Shelter No. 5 starting at 10:30 am. The event is free to the public; some activities have entrance fees.
Each pet owner who attends the event is required to complete a registration form and liability waiver before entering Pet-A-Palooza. Participants may register ahead of time a www.furkidsfoundation.org. Advance registration is helpful to organizers but owners may register onsite.
Fur Kids Foundation is the only organization in Northeastern Wyoming that provides families with pets access to veterinary care when they cannot afford it. Since September 2012, Fur Kids Foundation has helped more than 210 families and granted more than $31,000 in aid. Pet-A-Palooza is the Fur Kids Foundation’s signature event and largest fundraiser every year. Roughly 80 percent of the funds raised at all Fur Kids Foundation events help families keep their pets healthy in Campbell County, Wyoming.
Schedule of Pet-A-Palooza Events Agility, 10 am-3 pm: Participants can take their pooch through tunnels, over jumps and weave through poles and more with the Campbell County 4-H Agility Course! All dogs and handlers, from those just beginning agility training to those with expert skills, are welcome. $5 with 50 percent of the proceeds returning to the Foundation!
Pawject Runway, Noon-1pm: Participants whose dogs have the attitudes of beauty queens should enter their pooch in Pawject Runway. Registration begins at 10:30 am, and the event starts promptly at noon. The entrance fee for Pawject Runway is $10, and participants can walk the red carpet in one category or strut their stuff in all four of the following categories:
Best Dressed: judges will examine those with the costume or outfit, and accessories
Congeniality: judges will critique the pet’s personality on the dogwalk
Most handsome/ beautiful: judges will take notice of hair, best kept, and conformation
Ugliest: for those pooch’s who may lack the beauty of other dogs… Winner will take the Miss/Mr. Pet-A-Palooza crown and is featured on the 2016 Pet-A-Palooza materials!
Winners in each category take home a $50 cash prize, generously donated by The Knotty Salon. The Foundation also has a limited number of costumes available to rent for $2, or to buy for $5 for participants on site.
Small Dog Showdown, 1:30-2:30 pm: They may be tiny, but often these small dogs are faster than a speeding bullet! This fast-action race is specifically designed for dogs 20 pounds and under! The Foundation will pin participants’ dogs against one another in a 40-foot race to the championship title. Cost is $5 and registration begins at 10:30 am. The races begin promptly at 1:30 pm. Participants must provide proof of rabies vaccination. Winners receive a fabulous small dog gift basket provided by Joe's Pet Depot. There are two categories:
Micro Mutts, up to 10 pounds
Tiny Tots, 11 to 20 pounds
Pet Blessing, 3 pm-3:15 pm: Participants may blow bubbles or release balloons in memory of their pets. Free! This event is sponsored by Forever Faithful Pet Crematory.
Pet-A-Palooza Attractions
Dog training demonstrations provided by Petco and Sit Means Sit Central Wyoming dog training throughout the day.
Let your pooch’s inner Picasso shine through with a Dog Paw Art session. For a $5 donation, participants can cover their pooch’s paw in paint and have them press their paw into pads of paper. Wipes are available to clean dogs’ paws. Ink pads and paper donated by Powder River Office Supply.
For a $5 donation, participants can get a photograph memento of the festival with or without their pooch in it. Foundation volunteers have created a life-sized, one-of-a-kind picture frame to pose with; event background is also provided. Photos will be uploaded to the Foundation’s Facebook page, and available to purchase at Photo Imaging Center.
Pet-related vendors featuring arts and crafts, dog trainers, dog treats, pet groomers, pet products and services, veterinarians, and more.
Silent Auction tables filled with pet-themed goodies and toys, and other items from businesses and individuals. The Silent Auction table is open from 10:30 am-2 pm.
Table of Treats and Trinkets where participants can test their luck for a $5 donation and choose an item at this table for their cherished pet. This item may be a delectable bag of cookies or a fantastic toy worth $50, or $1.
50/50 raffle – pay $1 for one ticket; $5 for six tickets; or purchase an arms-length of tickets for $20. When the ticket is drawn, the winner splits the pot with the Foundation!
Want to Help? Fur Kids Foundation seeks volunteers to work throughout the day. Interested people should contact the Foundation at (307) 363-1131 or [email protected].
Announced by Masters of Ceremony, Pet-A-Palooza is supported by: Animal Medical Center of Wyoming; Annabelle's Cookies; Basin Electric Power Cooperative; Campagna Family; Karen Clarke; Cloud Peak Energy; Jamie Pedersen, ERA Priority Real Estate; First National Bank of Gillette; Gillette Optometric Clinic; Johnson Family; Junker Family; Billy Montgomery; Powder River Office Supply; S&S Builders, LLC; Sit Means Sit Central Wyoming; Susan McKay CPA LLC-Susan McKay & Crystal Ninas; and the Wallace Family.
About Fur Kids Foundation Created in November 2011, the Fur Kids Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization that provides education and aid to promote the well-being of families with animals in Campbell County. Since September 2012, Fur Kids Foundation has helped more than 210 families and granted more than $31,000 in aid. For more information, or to read the blog, visit www.furkidsfoundation.org. Find Fur Kids Foundation on www.facebook.com/furkidsfoundation. Follow us on Twitter, @furkidswyo.