More than 140 people entered the Foundation's Spay Day Drawing in 2014. The drawing took place on Tuesday, February 25 and 11 FREE procedures were given to 11 lucky families. The winners (listed below) will be contacted by the veterinary clinic to schedule their procedure.
Fur Kids Foundation board member Sheryl Martin, Fur Kids volutneer Bekah Taylor, Animal Medical Center's Dr. Darren Lynde, and Fur Kids board member Felicia Messimer draw names for the 2014 Spay Day Drawing.
Staff from the new Red Hills Veterinary Hospital, and their cute kiddos, pose with the names they drew for the 2014 Spay Day Drawing. The new pet hospital opens in April 2014.
The Foundation is grateful for the free procedures provided by Animal Medical Center of Wyoming, Gillette Pet Vet Clinic, Red Hills Veterinary Hospital and Thunder Basin Veterinary Clinic. This event's success is due to these clinics supporting healthy pets in Campbell County, Wyoming. The Fur Kids Foundation board of directors and volunteers appreciate the clinics' dedication to the families in the area, and their support of Fur Kids Foundation. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Get more information on the importance of spaying and neutering your pets here.