This is Jewel, a 5-year-old American Bully. Jewel's dad thought he would like to breed Jewel, so he never had her spayed.
A few months ago he noticed that Jewel had a slight vaginal discharge, but didn’t think he needed to talk to a vet about it. Recently, Jewel’s dad was put on temporary disability due to a work-related accident. Unfortunately, a little later on he noticed that the discharge was worse and Jewel was now acting like she didn’t feel well, so he brought her to the vet. The vet told Jewel's dad that she had pyometra and had it for a while now, which meant that Jewel needed life-saving surgery immediately. Jewel's dad applied to Fur Kids Foundation for assistance with the emergency veterinary visit. For those who don’t know, pyometra is an infection in the uterus that is often the result of hormonal changes. It is a serious and life-threatening condition that must be treated promptly and aggressively. Signs that a dog may have pyometra include:
Treatment for pyometra is an emergency spay, which Jewel had. She is expected to make a full recovery. We're sure even with surgery she already feels so much better! Jewel was lucky and survived Pyometra, but we've seen many cases of animals going a long period of time without being seen, and the infection continues to get worse. Jewel's uterus weighed four pounds due to the infection. If you notice your animal isn't feeling well and is not getting better after a day or two, Fur Kids Foundation strongly encourages you to call your vet and discuss what is happening. Please remember that Fur Kids Foundation is always available to apply to; we simply hate seeing animals suffer and are always happy to help. Fur Kids Foundation is 100% run by dedicated volunteers who give their time to help the Foundation raise money with events, take applications, and spread the word about the good work the Foundation does in Campbell County, Wyoming. If you would like to help Fur Kids Foundation continue to help local families with animals afford emergency veterinary care, please consider making a tax-deductible donation or sign up to become a volunteer.
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June 2024