Meet Frankie, a beloved 2-year-old Boxer Labradoodle mix who's not just a furry friend but also a devoted big sister to her human sibling. Described as her mom's "ride or die," Frankie's presence is cherished in their household.
Tragedy struck when Frankie slipped out of the house and was hit by a car, shattering her leg and breaking her mom's heart. Rushed to the vet, it was determined that the only option for Frankie was to amputate the severely injured leg. One of the scariest things pet owners face is an emergency such as a broken leg. While we can’t always plan for emergencies, we can be prepared by recognizing and understanding the signs and symptoms of a broken leg according to PetMD:
No matter how the leg was broken and what type of fracture it is, your pet should be seen as soon as possible by a veterinarian to minimize complications. For Frankie's single mom, who recently welcomed a baby into the family, the unexpected medical expenses posed a significant challenge on top of existing hospital bills. Nevertheless, determined to give Frankie the care she needs, they applied with Fur Kids Foundation for help with the bills. After undergoing surgery to remove her leg, Frankie is now on the road to becoming a resilient tri-paw pup, with hopes for a full recovery, thanks to the unwavering support of her devoted family and to you, our faithful donors. No matter what is happening with your fur kid, at any stage of life, Fur Kids Foundation encourages you to call your veterinarian sooner rather than later. Will you donate $10 today to help us continue to help fur kids get back on their paws? Donations are tax deductible. Or you can join our pack to help get fur kids back on their paws by becoming a volunteer. If you didn’t know, Fur Kids Foundation is 100% run by dedicated volunteers who give their time to help the Foundation raise money with events, take applications, and spread the word about the good work the Foundation does in Campbell County, Wyoming.
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